US Economic Policy
Drawing on the resources of various highly regarded think tanks and advocacy organizations, Mr. Schwartz has established programs that advocate leveraging America's leadership to advance policies that spur domestic economic growth and job creation. Among the organizations he supports are:
Chairman Emeritus
Schwartz Initiative on American Economic Policy
Washington, DC
Bernard Schwartz is chairman emeritus of the board of trustees and program sponsor of Third Way, a non-profit, non-partisan strategy center for progressives led by the organization's president Jon Cowan. Third Way creates high-impact products for use by elected officials, canididates and the Administration. Its work focuses on economic policy issues, a new approach to the climate crisis, progress on social issues like immigration reform, marriage for gay couples, tighter gun safety laws, and a credible alternative to neoconservative security policy. Read More
Bernard L. Schwartz Initiative on American Economic Policy
The Bernard L. Schwartz Initiative on American Economic Policy is charged with developing and advancing a new, ambitious, post-Obama era agenda aimed at generating long-term economic growth that directly benefits the middle class. Through a series of reports, policy briefs, opinion pieces, public forums featuring national political and thought leaders, and briefings for key decisions-makers, Third Way’s new economy work strives to make the twin forces of globalization and technological change work for Americans – not against them. Through this initiative, Third Way has proposed more than 70 policy ideas to create more skills, more jobs, and more wealth. These policies provide more than $1 trillion in new investments, from an overhaul of teaching and workforce training, to massive revitalization of the nation’s infrastructure, increased broadband, and research and development in the energy and health sectors. And this project seeks to restore the quintessential American promise: if you work hard and play by the rules, success will be yours.
Read More about the Bernard L. Schwartz Initiative on American Economic Policy
Alexandria, VA
Chairman's Circle Member
Washington, DC
The Rothkopf Group is a non-profit advisory and communications firm headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia. Among the central activities of the organization is a program overseen by the company’s chairman, Bernard Schwartz, and its President, David Rothkopf, devoted to cultivating a leadership community among progressives in America that focuses on the path to political victory for Democrats in 2020 and in future elections. The group convenes elected officials and candidates, a select group of top donors and heads of leading progressive organizations for sessions identifying the steps Democrats must take to avoid the mistakes of the past and successful set the party on its way to reinventing itself for decades ahead. This initiative will employ live events, new media products, other forms of media outreach and other such ideas as the members of the leadership community prioritize. It will also identify core issues on which a new progressive agenda should focus and will, as needed, develop focused, resonant policy ideas in these areas. The Rothkopf Group was established through the generous support of Bernard Schwartz and will also work to use new media and live events to promote a progressive, beneficial policy agenda in areas of domestic and foreign policy as opportunities and needs present themselves. TRG Media, a division of the group is the producer of the acclaimed “Deep State Radio” podcast and website, devoted to expert discussions of current and future international issues.
In an article published recently by Democracy Journal, entitled "What the Democrats Need Now," Bernard Schwartz and David Rothkopf argue that right now the Democratic Party is missing two vital things: a message and a messenger to deliver it. Without these two things the Democrats will fail to succeed in the 2018 and 2020 elections -- contests that will determine the future of American politics and policies. (Read the entire article here.)
Bernard Schwartz is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and serves as a member of the Council’s Chairman’s Circle. The Council on Foreign Relations is the world’s foremost organization promoting foreign policy and America’s role in the world. Through meetings of government officials, global leaders and Council members, and through its think tank and publications, the Council on Foreign Relations has been pressing foreign policy debate since 1921.
The Bernard L. Schwartz Senior Fellowship in Business and Foreign Policy
The Bernard L. Schwartz Senior Fellowship in Business and Foreign Policy was established in 2002 to focus on the global integration of financial markets and their significance for U.S. economic and foreign policy.
The fellowship supports the work of the council in examining competitiveness and foreign policy through lectures, special reports, roundtables and published articles.
Read more on Council on Foreign Relations
Current Fellow Edward Alden was the former Washington bureau chief at the Financial Times. His current work examines United States visa policies, as well as American competitiveness in the areas of regulation, taxation, labor, technology, and trade, and their relevant overlap with national security issues.
The CFR's Renewing America blog contains work by Mr. Alden and examines the major domestic challenges facing the United States that have significant consequences for national security and foreign policy.
The Bernard L. Schwartz Lecture on Business and Foreign Policy
An accompanying series to the Fellowship, the Lecture Series was also established in 2007 by Mr. Schwartz to focus on two areas:
The evolution of the relationship between business and government in the making of foreign policy, and
How the government can make better use of business in solving foreign policy problems and for business to become more engaged in the making of foreign policy.
Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis
New York City
Bernard Schwartz is vice chairman of the board of Trustees and has established and sponsors a number of programs and events at The New School, a progressive university located in Greenwich Village.
Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis and Chair in Economics and Policy
The Center is the economic policy research arm of The New School for Social Research Department of Economics. The activities of the Schwartz Center focus on three issues: economic growth, employment, and inequality. Its focus is on the U.S. economy, but always with an awareness of the global context of U.S. economic developments.
The Schwartz Center is led by Irene and Bernard L. Schwartz Professor of Economics and Policy Analysis Teresa Ghilarducci, who joined The New School after 25 years as a professor of economics at the University of Notre Dame and 10 years as director of the Higgins Labor Research Center at the university.
In 2015, thanks to the generosity of Bernard Schwartz, SCEPA launched the Retirement Equity Lab (ReLab) to address America's growing retirement crisis. Focusing on research, collaboration and outreach, the center has already made its mark in advancing a comprehensive and effective policy solution to ensure working Americans can retire.
Bernard and Irene Schwartz Commons at The New School.
The Schwartz Commons open in 2014 in The New School's new University Center, the academic anchor at the heart of the university's Greenwich Village campus. Located on the second floor of the University Center overlooking 14th Street, the Schwartz Commons is The New School's largest dining facility and a key gathering space for the university community.
Bernard and Irene Schwartz Merit Scholarships
These scholarships are awarded annually to incoming freshman students who are in good academic standing and demonstrate financial need. The scholarship is awarded to students for four years provided they maintain academic excellence throughout their tenure at the New School's Eugene Lang College.
Board Member
Inspired by the legacy of Franklin and Eleanor, the Roosevelt Institute brings together thousands of thinkers and doers—from a new generation of leaders in every state to Nobel laureate—economists working to redefine the rules that guide our social and economic realities. Roosevelters rethink and reshape everything from local policy to federal legislation, orienting toward a new economic and political system: one build by many for the good of all.
The Institute hosts a number of events that celebrate Eleanor and Franklin by honoring those whose work embodies their values and vision today. These include the FDR Four Freedoms Awards and the FDR Distinguished Public Service Awards.
The Roosevelt Institute is the nonprofit partner to the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum in Hyde Park, NY—America’s first presidential library and the only one by a sitting president.
Mr. Schwartz was elected to the board of the Roosevelt Institute in December 2015. Read More
Schwartz Program in Competitiveness and Growth Policies
Washington, DC
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace is the oldest international affairs think tank in the United States. Founded in 1910, it is known for excellence in scholarship, responsiveness to changing global circumstances, and a commitment to concrete improvements in public policy.
Bernard L. Schwartz Program in Competitiveness and Growth Policies
The Schwartz Program brings together some of the senior-most members of the U.S. government to meet with business leaders, investors, academicians, economists and experts across numerous fields to discuss the difficult challenges associated with revitalizing the U.S. economy and construct policy options to address those challenges.
Read more about the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Economic Advisory Board Member
The Center for American Progress (CAP) is an independent nonpartisan policy institute that is dedicated to improving the lives of all Americans, through bold, progressive ideas, as well as strong leadership and concerted action. Its aim is not just to change the conversation, but to change the country.
Tapping the resources and talents of an extensive group of experts CAP develops new policy ideas, challenges the media to cover the issues that truly matter, and helps to shape the national debate. With policy teams in major issue areas, CAP can think creatively at the cross-section of traditional boundaries to develop ideas for policy makers that lead to real change.
CAP reaches policy makers, influencers, government officials , academicians, the business community and the general public by holding public events and issuing news alerts and newsletters, statements, advisories, and press releases including The Progress Report from CAP Action.
Schwartz Rediscovering Government Program
Washington, DC
Under the direction of Jeff Madrick, Century Foundation senior fellow, the Schwartz Rediscovering Government Initiative is dedicated to inspiring discussion on how we can use government tools to address our nation's most pressing problems. Through its website, blog, roadshows and conferences, the program aims to reinvigorate conversation surrounding government, its positive potential, and what it can and should be doing for its citizens.
Read More about The Century Foundation's Rediscovering Government initiative
The Century Foundation is a progressive, non-partisan think tank founded in 1919 by Edward Filene that delivers ground-breaking policy solutions from rigorous, transformative idea generators. Its work focuses on restoring upward mobility and economic security for Americans, consistent with Filene's advancement of fair workplaces, affordable goods, and a universal social safety net.
Washington, DC
Founded in 2006, ITIF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan research and educational institute—a think tank—focusing on a host of critical issues at the intersection of technological innovation and public policy. Its mission is to formulate and promote policy solutions that accelerate innovation and boost productivity to spur growth, opportunity, and progress.
ITIF does this in a number of ways:
Setting the policy agenda on technology, innovation, and global competition issues by producing original research reports and analytical commentary;
Shaping public debate by hosting events, giving speeches and presentations, providing official testimony, and serving as expert issue analysts in the news media; and
Advising policymakers through direct interaction in Washington, DC, and other state, national, and regional capitals around the world.
On the strength and influence of this work, the University of Pennsylvania has ranked ITIF as the top science and technology think tank in the United States, and number two in the world. See 2015 ITIF Year In Review
ITIF is led by its president and founder, Robert D. Atkinson, an internationally recognized policy scholar and widely published author whom The New Republic has named one of the “three most important thinkers about innovation,” Washingtonian Magazine has called a “Tech Titan,” and Government Technology Magazine has judged to be one of the 25 top “Doers, Dreamers and Drivers of Information Technology.” Under Atkinson, ITIF’s team of policy analysts and fellows includes authors and recognized experts in the fields of economics, tax policy, trade, telecommunications, privacy, cybersecurity, and life sciences, among many others. ITIF also is home to the highly regarded Center for Data Innovation, which develops and promotes policy ideas to capitalize on the tremendous economic and social benefits that data-driven innovation can offer.
To receive updates on new policy research, issue commentary, and coming events, please sign up for ITIF’s weekly newsletter.
Levy Institute
Annandale-on-Hudson, NY
Economists for Peace & Security, a UN-registered NGO, is an international network of thirteen affiliated organizations promoting economic analysis and appropriate action for peace, security and the world economy.
The organization seeks a world whose people are secure, free from fear and want, where economies distribute goods and services efficiently and for the benefit of all. EPS works locally, regionally and internationally to reduce the military burden, and to effect policy changes that can build a more just and peaceful future.
Economists for Peace & Security, led by James Galbraith, executes its mission by convening or participating in conferences, issuing policy briefs and publishing a quarterly newsletter.
In an article published May 30, 2018 by Democracy Journal, entitled "What the Democrats Need Now," Bernard Schwartz and David Rothkopf argue that right now the Democratic Party is missing two vital things: a message and a messenger to deliver it. Without these two things the Democrats will fail to succeed in the 2018 and 2020 elections -- contests that will determine the future of American politics and policies. (Read the entire article here.)
Bernard Schwartz is an original supporter and now publisher of this ten-year-old quarterly publication that offers breakthrough thinking and spurs debate on domestic and foreign policy issues. Editor-in-chief of Democracy is columnist, journalist and author Michael Tomasky.
Washington, DC
Bernard Schwartz is a supporter of the Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and the International Development Program (IDEV).
The Bernard L. Schwartz Globalization Initiative supports the following activities at SAIS:
The Bernard L. Schwartz Forum on Constructive Capitalism
The aim of the Bernard L. Schwartz Forum on Constructive Capitalism is to serve as a platform for high-level academic research and policy discussion that will engage major economic and political issues relating to the process of globalization, including the increased flow of goods and services across international borders, labor migration, international movement of capital, technological spillovers, and global economic governance. The forum is co-chaired by two SAIS professors, Pravin Krishna (International Economics) and Matthias Matthijs (International Political Economy), and holds a distinguished lecture series, an academic seminar series, and biennial conferences.
Leadership Skills Development
SAIS students learn from the leading experts in the field of international affairs, preparing them with the tools necessary to work across borders and enrich our world. The IDEV program provides rigorous academic training in the economic, political, and social dimensions of development, and allows students the opportunity to apply their research, analysis, and practical skills to prepare for the challenges of a career in international development. This includes summer work experience with development organizations in Asia, Latin America, and Africa, and intersession study trips that allow for the field testing of development theories. Based on the success of this initiative, IDEV is looking to create an official International Development practicum – a course designed to provide students with the tools and opportunity to work with an external client on a development problem or opportunity.
The Bernard L. Schwartz Globalization Location
The Bernard L. Schwartz Globalization Initiative activities are located in a suite of offices in the Bernstein-Offit Building at 1717 Massachusetts Ave., NW, 7th Floor.
Washington, DC
One of the most influential policy institutes in America, the Brookings Institute analyzes current and emerging policy issues in the U.S. and abroad. Mr. Schwartz established a chair in economic policy development through an endowment to Brookings.
Chair in Economic Policy Development
The Bernard L. Schwartz Chair in Economic Policy Development is focused on forward-looking national economic priorities, among them, job creation, U.S. economic competitiveness and productivity.
The current Chair is Martin Neil Baily, senior fellow and director of the Initiative on Business and Public Policy in the Economic Studies program at the Brookings Institute.
In this position, Mr. Baily addresses the multifaceted dimensions of globalization and competitiveness, and conducts and publishes research, organizes conferences, workshops, briefings and forums on these issues for policy-makers and the general public.